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Roaring 20s/Gatsby


Naming any  dance  has  three rules:

Five words or less We've had 1.  We've had 5.  Six or more words begins to look like schoolwork.  Short & wordsmithed.

Vague and obscure - Don't be specific.  The name needs to be open to interpretation and broad.  Geography & foreign words can be good...

Classy wording - No current lingo.  No  "bro" or "bruh" in it or any acronyms like "YOLO".  No trendy shortcuts (like "sus", "cap" or even "legit")  Names should have gusto and be uptown.  


For example - if our theme was Paris:


"Joie de Vie" or "On the Seine's Banks" are dance names

that fit the 3 rules.


"Twerking Twice at Notre Dame" is straight dumb & just wrong


MORE GRADING = Anytime before this Sunday (August 11th) @ 8 AM, please post on the new "Roaring 20s" Padlet = link below.  For (up to) 10 points (fewer words/copying/anything resembling minimal effort may get less), you can:


1.  Suggest a name(s) that follow the rules above

2.  Show support for another name explaining why you think it's good

3.  Offer a derivative of somebody else's name (keeping basic idea of name, but different wording)


You cannot:


1.  Shred someone else's name (demean or lessen it somehow)

2.  Repeat a previous poster's efforts (cut/paste just to get a posting grade - your post should be different from everyone else's)


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